Friday, January 5, 2007

My first blog post

As you can tell from my blog's name, what the hell, why not me?

I am not sure how active I will be, but I have some things to say. The only ones that will read this are probably my lovely wife (Hi Lisa!) and my two children (Hi Danni and Nick).

A little about me. I am a 47 year old middle aged man in denial. I still think I am 20 something, but the body knows better. I live in the greater Detroit area, where the raging Bush economy has passed us by. Although I was raised in a Christian household, I grew up an agnostic. I now consider myself a "Humanist".

Anyway, just to be upfront, I am a liberal according to my conservative friends, but as far as I am concerned, I am a centrist democrat, with a slight lefty lean. Until the start of the Bush administration, I was not really politically engaged. Lisa and I were busy raising a family and I had a sick father that needed attending to.

Since then, a lot has changed. The kids are grown, my father has passed away (months before 9-11, thank God) and George W. Bush has (temporarily) ruined the country. I look forward to the next 2 years when the new Democratic house and senate will hold Bush and Company's feet to the fire. I can't wait. My nipples are getting hard just thinking about it.

More to come later.

See you


Lisa said...

A good start DeliBoy! I look forward to reading more!

Jeanne Rhea said...

You should write more! Voices like yours are still needed. There can't be too many of us.